Devin Night’s Token Pack #41: Two-Legged Fiends


This artpack contains a total of 112 tokens (49 original tokens and 63 color mods), organized in the following categories:

  • Dinosaurs (10 tokens)
  • Golems (15 tokens)
  • Humanoids (71 tokens)
  • Werecreatures (11 tokens)
  • Miscellaneous (5 tokens)

All of the figure tokens in these artpacks are hand-drawn by renowned token artist Devin Night, and come pre-sized and pre-rotated for use in Battlegrounds. They have all been scaled to match each other in relative size, and are all high-resolution (122 pixels per cell), so they won’t pixelate even at full zoom in Battlegrounds. The figures are suitable for a game scale of 3 feet per hex (and 5 feet per square, too, of course).

Want to see exactly what this artpack includes? Click here to download a comprehensive (223 page!) Visual Reference Guide in interactive PDF format that allows you to easily navigate and preview the content of all 27 of Devin Night’s artpacks as thumbnail galleries. The PDF is searchable, so you can easily see (for example) in which artpack/s you can find bards, elven mages, orcs with crossbows, or what have you. Note that the Visual Reference Guide is absolutely not intended for printing.

“Devin Night’s Token Pack #41: Two-Legged Fiends” costs $5 for GMs (but is free for players). Most of the proceeds will go to Devin Night (the artist), and the rest to support continued development of Battlegrounds.

As a point of comparison, if you were to buy all these token packs elsewhere, they would also cost $5 (which works out to 10.2 cents/token), but you would only be getting 49 tokens (no color mods), with no extras. But with this optimized-for-Battlegrounds artpack, it’s only about 4.46 cents per token, and you’re getting ready-to-use unit palettes (in both Encounter and Deployment format) and a Visual Reference Guide.

Note that players will need to have any given artpack from this collection installed during game sessions where the GM will use it, and that everyone should be using BRPG v1.8b or higher (v1.9 recommended), or BGE v1.5 or higher (v1.8 recommended).

Important Note: While this artpack is available for purchase individually, please be aware that it is even more affordably priced if purchased as part of a bundle. It is included in this mega-bundle, or can be purchased in smaller bundles including 3-packs ($12.50), 6-packs ($22) and 10-packs ($35). Those interested in additional token packs by Devin Night are advised to look here.

About the artists and these tokens:

Devin Night has been creating detailed overhead tokens (basically topdown illustrations) for over a decade. His tokens are hand drawn and digitally colored. They have a transparent background and soft drop shadows, which help the tokens stand out from the maps they are placed on, with a level of detail and shading designed to look good at various zoom levels. Most are easily recognizable even when completely zoomed out. Best of all, they are all drawn in the same style, so your gaming tokens can have a consistent look.

Devin Night’s tokens can serve a variety of purposes: to depict your players’ characters, to depict the NPCs that populate your game world, and to depict the monsters and creatures that they will surely be fighting while on their world-saving quests and adventures.

Please visit Devin Night’s website for more information about his tokens, and/or to order custom tokens for your campaign.